
Bidirectional Search

bidirectional Search. Bidirectional search is great in a sense that it can save a lot of memory. b^d/2 + b^d/2 is way smaller than b^d Stopping Condition os Bidirectional Search However, the problem is that it’s hard to decide when to stop. A lot of people would say “Isn’t it obvious? why can’t we stop when there’s a common element in the ex...

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Basic Git 1

How to create a forked repository Log in to Github and create a repository with desired name. Move to the directory you want and clone the reposity you want to fork. git clone --bare https://github.com/GITHUBID/REPONAME.git Mirror this to your repo. cd REPONAME.git git push --mirror https://github.c...

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블로그를 시작합니다

환영합니다! 안녕하세요, 저는 이준호입니다. 이번에 컴퓨터 과학 석사 프로그램을 시작하면서 블로그를 같이 시작합니다. 블로그에는 컴퓨터 과학, 수학, 그리고 (가끔) 건축 관련 글을 올릴 계획입니다. 수학 : 공돌이의 수학 정리 노트 블로그 테마 : TeXt Theme

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Welcome to my Blog

Welcome! Hi, I’m Junho. I’ve decided to start a blog today. I’ll write posts related to computer science, relavent math, and some architecture. Thanks! Here are the links to the sites that I refer to: Mathematics : Angelo’s Math Notes Blog Theme : TeXt Theme

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